Michael Callejas

Hey what’s up stranger, or maybe your my friend stalking me… Whoever you are I just wanna say thank you for a moment of your time.

My name is Michael Callejas. I was born in a hospital in Queens, New York, to Colombian immigrants and raised in Montclair, New Jersey. From a very young age, I had to be the translator for my parents, which allowed me to fluently speak Spanish, even though I never lived in Colombia. I was exposed to all forms of art early on—I took dance classes, piano lessons, sang in choir during middle school, and loved watching films with my family growing up.

In high school, I got my hands on a FujiFilm XT3 that my Godfather, Robert Gregory, had bought to shoot travel photos and record his acting auditions. I played with it a lot, being fascinated with technical equipment—I had built four computers myself by the age of 13. I always dreamed of being a YouTuber; like many my age, I admired how those figures could do what they loved and turn it into a career. I secretly dreamed of doing it myself.

School was never my strong suit—I was even kicked out of my private kindergarten for being too hyper and disruptive, and later struggled with ADHD throughout high school. When I entered college, studying journalism and digital media at Montclair State University, I realized the traditional "college experience" wasn't for me. Eventually, I flunked out. Despite being well-liked by teachers for my active participation and insightful questions, I preferred networking and working on client projects for my photography business that I had started in high school.

In 2023, I made the decision to fully commit to my passions and ambitions. It was a life-changing year where I found greater enjoyment and met incredible people. I can't emphasize enough how crucial the amazing support of my mom, dad, sister, godfather, godmother, brothers, friends, and others has been in my journey.

Now, I aim to expand my network and help fellow creators build their brands and transform their lives through the power of media production, social media, branding, and more.